Economy & Long-term Sustainability
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SWAG Run is a new type of game that rewards players for the time and effort they spent playing the game and growing the ecosystem.
SWAG Run has a 100% player-owned, real money economy. Rather than selling game items or copies, the developers of the game focus on growing the player-to-player economy.
All fees collected as in SWC tokens will go to the SWAG war chest and the usage will be guided by holders once the voting mechanism is in place. Swagstars are created by players using in-game resources Swagstar tokens.
All RR tokens received from taxation or payment of any in-game item will be burned.
Game resources and items can be sold on our marketplace at any time given.
The game never ends, so does not the development of new items, game modes, and new ways to move forward with in-game economics. NFT, in-game items, prices-fees, and rewards are subject to change, however, such changes shall not be done without full transparency and community approval prior to it happening.
As the game becomes more established and scales, many additional opportunities will present themselves to introduce additional capital into the economy as a bonus on top of the core player-to-player economic activities:
Advertising and sponsorships. Branded Skins, accessories such as head caps/bands, t-shirts, sneakers - literally everything can be advertised either as part of the Swags look or in-game map.
Physical/digital merchandise. SWAG much? Show off with your own Swag decorated t-shirt, hoodie, backpack, or t-cap. All profits received from it will go into the SWAG War chest in a buyback form.
Real-world events. Will be organized along with the growth of the communities.